Self Care September- Switching off


Day 4 of Self Care September .

Bank holiday weekend I totally unplugged for 4 days – I put my phone away and only checked it for calls/texts a couple times a day and actually didn’t go on any social media at all for the whole 4 days. Instead I just enjoyed the glorious sunshine, read books and was just fully present in my own life. It’s been such a busy year with both work and celebrations and so to be able to fully switch off for a few days felt amazing. I really did feel so much better for it and as a result I have been more mindful of how much time I spend just idle scrolling social media ever since which in turn has made me much more productive. We all do it, don’t we – just have a “5 minute scroll” and before you know it at least half an hour has passed!.

So this week I am challenging you to unplug for one whole day – are you up for the challenge?? Give me a 💕or comment below if you are! .

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