I don’t know about you, but January is whizzing by in a total whirlwind. I really am trying hard to slow down but honestly I find myself signing up for all sorts so the diary is getting fuller and fuller. A lot of work projects and quite a bit of play time but not so much rest time scheduled in – oops!. So in a bid to slow things down a little and catch a breath and actually aim to be more productive rather than just busy being busy , I have opted to make February a month of self care and love here at Mis-Fit HQ. It is after all Valentines Month, so this year as well as showing Love to loved ones, why not also show a little Love towards yourself?.
Stress and running yourself down manifests itself in us individually in different ways – for some its a bad back/neck pain as tension is stored in this area. for some you may suffer migraines/headaches or stomach upsets. For me , I tend to lose my voice – frustrating for me ,though rather peaceful for my friends and family haha. Our bodies tend to send us signals but all too often we ignore them and carry on hurtling at a hundred miles per hour ,, and the end result is we don’t get enough sleep, eat properly and generally just run ourselves down.
If you already feel caught up in the whirlwind of the New year and want to join me in slowing down a little :- Drop me an email to info@littlemis-fit.co.uk with the subject line – February self Love and I’ll add you to the email list. Throughout February you’ll receive daily emails with workouts, healthy reciepes and weekly mini challenges to just help you carve out a little you time in your day to care of yourself. Hopefully a couple will even become habits you can stick with throughout the year!.
Joanne xoxo
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