February Self ❤️ – week 1 !

Hello my Gorgeous Mis-Fitters! 

Happy First day of February. You’ve survived January and Spring is right around the corner , Hurrah!. 

As February is the Love month, we will be dedicating the next 28 days to showing ourselves some TLC.  We have workouts, reciepes and mini challanges, all  aiming to have you feeling fabulous and springing into Spring with lots of energy and ready to take on the world.

This weeks challenge is to schedule in at least 30 minutes each day just for you!.  You can get a workout in and or It can be the time before bed  – take a bubble bath,  curl up with a cup of your favourite herbal tea and your book, or watch an episode of a favourite TV show.  If you are really pushed for time maybe even  2 x 15 minute segments in the day just to sit and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee without interruption – indeed a true luxury in itself!. 

Do let me know how you get on  – tag me on Instagram @littlemisfitjojo  #FeelgoodFebruary  #Februaryselflove  or Facebook lilmisfit1.   

Joanne xoxo 

Image – Heather Rosehill 

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