So a lot of you guys all know I absolutely ❤ Christmas , and I really really do, (Does anyone else think they may actually be an elf?? 😂) , however my favourite season of the year is actually Autumn!. For me it just feels so magical, as the leaves begin to change , yet you still get those September and October days with warm sunshine,then the sun starts to set early and you can get the house all cozy with candles, and snuggley blankets. You’ve got mail is one of my all time favourite movies and it always feels like a film to watch in Autumn , so every year at the end of September, I block out an afternoon, grab my cosiest blankets, get myself some chocolate buttons and a huge cup of peppermint tea, and settle down to watch it.
Then before you know it Halloween is right around the corner , – and then Christmas 24 movie channel starts. and thus the whole build up to Christmas begins !!!!!! Eeeee am so excited just thinking about it 😂.
However for some – the end of summer makes them really sad. It can also be an incredibly busy time of year for people , as you get the kids settled back into school, work is often crazy after the lull of summer and then we are rushing around getting ready for the festive season.
Autumn is the season that shows us it’s ok to let things go, and make way for the new, so this Autumn-take the time to slow down a little, take a walk through the falling leaves, take time for you , to do the things you love to do, the things that make your Soul happy. Spend time with the people who lift your spirits and make you smile. Do the things that you love , but often get pushed aside as we do all the things we feel we must do. But make the time to curl with a book, or watch a movie uninterrupted – Put that phone down!! , or pick up a colouring book and colour – it really does have a calming effect. Or get outside in the crisp air – I’m a huge believer that exercise, fresh air, sleep and lots of laughter are some of the best medicines.
I know it can be hard sometimes to drag yourself out of the house when it’s dark to come to class, but you will feel better for it – honestly!
having been working a lot the past couple months , I really was feeling absolutely exhausted, so the past couple days, I took time to just relax and I honestly feel so much better for it and my creativity is coming back and I just feel my batteries are recharged and I’m ready to hit the ground running once more!.