February Self Love ❤️ – Day 21 – Tasty Tuesday

Hello my lovely Mis-Fitters

we have another Tasty Treat Tuesday . These mini Frittatas are brilliant to make in advance and you can literally add in anything you like to make them your own. They can be eaten warm or cold so perfect for busy mornings if made in advance.

Mini Frittatas with tomato and Rocket

Prep time 15mins
Cooking time 20 mins
(serves 6)

1 tbsp extra Virgin olive oil
1 onion chopped
6 eggs
3 tbsp almond milk (otherwise I just use normal milk )
6 cherry tomatoes – quarted
1 handful of rocket or spinach leaves – chopped

1. Preheat oven to 175/gas mark 4. Grease a 6 hole giant muffin tray
2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion over a low heat until caramilsed
3. In a bowl whisk the eggs and milk together, then stir in the tomatoes,rocket and onion. Season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper
4. Divde the mixture among the muffin tin and bake for approx 20mins or until they set. Allow to cool a little before removing them from the tin.

Do let me know how you get on – tag me on Instagram @littlemisfitjojo #FeelgoodFebruary or Facebook lilmisfit1.

Joanne xoxo

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