Self Care September- Nutrition


Day 3 of our Self Care September challenge and today it’s nutrition πŸ’•.

When we make healthier choices when it comes to our nutrition, we really do feel so much better and have more energy.

Did you know Salmon is a mood boosting food?. So if you are feeling low , and /or struggle with Anxiety and depression it can help to boost your mood! πŸ’•. I’ve served mine here with some Mixed salad leaves , some mini Mozzarella balls and some salsa for an easy , quick healthy tea .

Other mood noosing foods include-

πŸ’• Blueberries



πŸ’• Dark Chocolate – good quality dark chocolate such as Green and Blacks or Lindt and opt for 85-90% cocoa

πŸ’• Green tea 🍡

πŸ’• leafy greens such as spinach and Kale

πŸ’• Walnuts

πŸ’• chicken and Turkey

πŸ’• eggs

Are any of the above on your menus for today? πŸ˜€.

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