So there I was plodding away ,quietly building the Mis-Fit empire, when my friend Michelle Rose who runs Custard and Bear Marketing asked would I be interested in doing her marketing for Mummies course . I was like Michelle that sounds great but I’m not a mammy, she assured me though I didn’t have to be, I just had to be a girl with a Dream and a penchant for cake 🙂 . Michelle is so so lovely and always makes you feel like you can take on the world and makes anything seem possible , any Girl bosses out there running their own business, I highly recommend Michelle’s marketing for Mummies course, it really pushes you outside your comfort zone, but that is where all the Magic happens! . She has the best catchphrase – it doesn’t always have to be perfect just get S$it done in otherwords, don’t just think about doing it, just bloody go do it! . I signed up and it was like this little door opened and I found myself in a community full of inspiring Girlboss’ and it felt so amazing. All these women, a lot of whom were mothers tired of working inflexible hours had taken their passion and talents and created a small business that they could fit around their family life and find a work/life balance that worked for them.
Here are just some of the friends I’ve made along the way – though there truly are countless more .
Lulu Charles Jewellery
My Girlboss Bestie Jayne , fate and our mutual friend Daneka brought Jayne to classes. Jayne runs Lulu Charles alongside her Husband Ashley and her dad and they make the most amazing bespoke pieces. I had gold jewellery, I had from my 18th and 21st birthdays. It held sentimental value for me, so I never wanted to sell it, but at the same time it was just sitting in a drawer. They took that gold and made it into a Joanne necklace. I love it and wear it loads . Jayne kept me in the loop from the early design to the finished piece. They also made me a a gorgeous stacker ring recently .
We had both done Michelle’s marketing for mummies , though in seperate groups and as we became friends, we decided to join forces and help each other on our respective paths . we have regular meet ups and just share the victories and the struggles and Jayne has become a true Diamond friend.
Like Sadie Did
I knew sisters Laura and Sara from my classes. Laura had been running when she spotted my bootcamp, she searched in google and got it in touch and came along to classes about 3 or 4 years ago. She started bringing her sister Sara. now their mam Judy and auntie Lesley come too! – The universe really does seem to have a knack of bringing people together. when Laura and Sara set up a Vintage clothes business – Like Sadie did with their cousin Maggie, I was so excited. I love Vintage style , (as you can probably tell if you follow me on Instagram) . .A lot of my outfits are from Like Sadie did. They are doing lots of pop up events so keep your eyes peeled! – The clothes are gorgeous and I always get loads of compliments when I wear one of their dresses or skirts.
Vitality Pilates
Marie and Jill from Vitality Pilates, our paths crossed at the Academy , and it was Marie I met first and she was just such a positive, genuinely lovely person. I then met her business partner Jill who was also really lovely and and though we have our own individual fitness business’, we’re also working together too on a few things . Just because we’re all instructors doesn’t mean we’re in competition , we learn a lot from each other and its a brilliant example of women in business supporting each other instead of competing against each other.
Pet Lamb Patisserie
Katie and Kay from Pet Lamb Patisserie , seriously if you are in Newcastle and fancy a sweet treat – these girls make the most amazing cakes – their salted Caramel Brownies are divine! I first came across Pet Lamb a few years back when I still worked in town, they had a little shop in the green market with Fairy Lights – you know I LOVE fairy lights and they just drew me in . They were both so friendly and even though now I don’t get in very often , when ever I find myself in Newcastle, I always head there for a sweet treat and they always have a friendly word and they remember what I like . They have done so amazing they had to move to a bigger shop still in the green Market and still with those all important fairy lights , so def pop in if you are nearby.
Whilst on the marketing for mummies course I was recommended a book called 12 Lessons by Kate Spencer – it was amazing!!!. All about how what you put out in the universe, is what you get back, and how the universe will send you little signs to guide you on your path, if only you just stop, look around and listen once in a while. if you’re putting positivity, kindness and well wishes out in the universe, that is what the universe will bring back for you. if you’re all negative and why me , that is what you get back – its the law of attraction! .
I am a bit of a bookworm , and after reading 12 lessons , Amazon then suggested a book called #Girlboss by Sophie Amoruso which was so inspiring, all about Sophie’s journey from hopping from job to job and even a brief flirtation with being a fregan, to now founder and CEO of Nasty Gal – a muliti million dollar vintage clothing business in the States, a business she started from her little apartment. After #Girlboss I also read Girlcode by master Life coach Cara Alwill Leyba creator of the Champagne diet. Cara used to work at MTV and had a very stressful life , she was complaining one day about having tried so many diets, when a colleague said have you ever tried eating healthy and working out? , Cara said actually no but i also like a drink now and then. Her colleague suggested drinking champagne as it had less calories . Cara realised , that small act of holding a champagne glass made her feel special , and she deserved to feel like that all the time, and thus The Champagne diet was born. Its not so much about the nutrition side , its more the symbolic meaning of Champagne – its a very Glamorous drink and we associate it with celebrating. Its not even about being girl with her own business , its just about being a Girlboss of YOUR own Life!!!! . Havimg a job – employed or self employed that makes you want to get out of bed on a morning and not just wait anxiously for Friday and or pay day to come round. Life is far too short to live for just the weekends. Create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks amazing on your social Media sites . Surrounding yourself with the people who make you feel happy, loved and supported , Positive people who lift your spirits . Its about making the space around you, a haven , I have lots of Fairy Lights in lanterns dotted around our house , it makes the house look so enchanted and cosy on winter nights – I’m just trying to convince Martin we also need some in the garden …… 🙂 .I adore Bombay Duck and Mirabella Gift company for the little home touches ( my lanterns are Bombay Duck) / – and – Both companies are ran by fellow Girl bosses too . Find what you love though, my mam’s house always smells gorgeous as she loves candles – it’s just creating your own little Haven with things you love. Like Cara says in the Champagne Diet Just a few small little actions , that inject a little glamour to everyday life. drink your water out of a wine glass or a cup of tea out of a cup or saucer rather than a mug. Wear Clothes that make you feel a million dollars as feeling happy and content and fabulous on the inside , will reflect out on the outside too . Throw out or donate anything that does not make you feel anything less than fabulous . Execise – find a work out you love – a healthy body leads to a happier mental and emotional state of mind, that in turn makes it seem anything is possible – if you can dream it, you can live it!!! .
– Cheers to all the Girlboss’ out there, creating and living their own fabulous lives, leaving their sparkle on the world and those of you not quite living it yet , go create your very own Girlboss life. -. I would love to hear your girlboss stories – maybe you’ve treated yourself to a fabulously expensive bag or shoes, you’ve paid for yourself, or maybe it’s just as simple as getting your nails done that makes you feel glamorous and ready to take on the world girlboss style – whatever it is let me know you can find me on Instagram @llittlemisfitjojo using the #itsagirlbosslife Or tweet me @mis_fit1 using the same #. 💋 Xxxxx