Hi Guys,
Happy June! , so Summer is just about here. Who else is excited??. Mind as I write this currently , its chucking it down and I definitely heard thunder just now!! – so yep its British summer time alright lol. Though we have had some glorious sunshine of late so I can handle a little rain, and hey my little garden plants will be happy anyways – silver linings!.
I love Summer, I mean you guys know I absolutely love Christmas but I also love summer (and Autumn too ) . We always think of Christmas as been a really busy time of year, but honestly I find Summer is just as hectic – there is so much always going on – holidays to take, nights out, impromtu afternoon drinks , Day trips out, lovely long summer days to enjoy,
Juggling work plus taking care of our loved ones and balancing a social life though can feel so overwhelming at times. I speak to so many of you who feel like they are juggling so many plates and its exhausting and can really have an effect our mental health and well being , This can often manifest itself in our physical bodies . For example when I get run down , a lot of you know I suffer sore throats and can lose my voice. For one friend she gets really bad ear ache. others it might manifest as back pain , or maybe migranes/tension headaches. It may be that you just feel so drained and don’t really have the energy to do anything . My friend Marita bought me the Fearne Cotton book – Happy for my Birthday and its really good!. full of lots of useful tips and tricks for finding the Joy in everyday life. if you haven’t read it, definitely check it out.
So this month lets find time in our days and/or week to focus on showing ourselves a little self love and care! . Its only when we do this, that we then have the energy and patience to take care of those around us too. I’ll be posting up tips and challenges on my Facebook (www.facebook.com/lilmisfit1) and Instagram @littlemisfijojo throughout the month so be sure to come follow along!.
This month we have also launched our virtual classes , We have a private Facebook group, where we have at home workouts. At least two new workouts will be posted each week, building up a little library of classes for you to access and workout as and when you can, especially if you are struggling to get to our live classes due to work , and/or childcare issues. . We will also be sharing healthy recipes in the group and I’ll be adding in some meditation practices too. just £10 per month. Its not too late if you want to sign up for June, just ping me a message – info@littlemis-fit.co.uk. or see me at class.
Our Kids after School Yoga programme is back this week too at Believe and Be. For kids age 4-9.
we have twice weekly sessions as follows :-
Monday afternoons 4.15pm-5pm
Wednesday afternoons 4.15pm-5pm
£25 per child for the 4 week block for June or pay as you go
We also Have our Pilates for Mam and Baby starting this Monday 4th June x 4 weeks. £30 for the 4 weeks. Suitable from 6 weeks plus.
Mondays 1030am-1115am @ Dance Max, Consett .
Taking the time to fit in a workout is a brilliant way of getting some time in for yourself that will benefit your body, mind and spirit! Check out our class Timetable for this week :- Please do remember to book for all classes, if you can’t make it please let me know as soon as possible, as it may mean someone else can come in your place.
So our classes this week are as follows:-
Monday 04th June
10/10/10 6.30-7 pm @ North Durham Academy £4.00
Pilates 7pm-7.45pm @ North Durham Academy £6.00
or do both evening sessions for £8.00
Tuesday 05th June
PIIT – 7pm-7.30pm @ Tesco Community room, Consett £4.00
** Sold out, waitlist available **
Wednesday 06th June
Pilates 0945am-1030am @ Annfield Plain Church £6
Pilates for mams and Toddlers 1030am-1115am @ Annfield Plain Church £7
Thursday 07th June
PIIT 6.45pm-7.15pm @ Delves Lane Village Hall
Stretch & Relax 7.15-7.45 @ Delves Lane Village Hall £4.00
or do both classes for £6.50
Friday 08th June
PIIT 6.30pm-7pm @ Annfield Plain Church £4
Pilates 7pm-7.30pm @ Annfield Plain Church £4
or do both classes for £6.50
Saturday 09th June
10/10/10 9am-9.30am @ Delves Lane Village Hall £4
Family Yoga 1015am-11am @ Delves Lane Village Hall £7 for 1 adult and 1 child
Have a great week guys and lets get focusing on our own self care this week as well as looking after those around us!
Joanne xoxo