February Self Love – Day 15- Wellness Wednesday

Hello my lovely Mis-Fitters 

So this week, I want you to think about sleep! . On average we need around 7-8 hours. Everyone is different and you know yourself how many hours of sleep your body needs to be able to function at its best. It is when we sleep, our body repairs itself. so without enough sleep, our skin looks dull , our eyes are tired, our energy levels  and moods can get low, and we start to store stress around our tummies!!!! .  When we get so busy and/or  have a lot of stress in our lives, our bodies release high levels of a hormone known as Cortisol – the stress hormone. Your body oh so kindly then stores this Cortisol in your gut. If you have ever noticed that when you get stressed and tired, your tummy gets more bloated, this is why!. It also doesn’t help that this is when we often reach for the sugary and alcoholic treats which just adds to the Muffin top.  So create yourself a little bedtime routine that helps you relax before bed – maybe a nice bath,  curling up with your book (though you know when you have a really good book and you just can not put it down???? that was me last night oops , I just had to finish it!!!!! )  , Switch off your social media  , stop working – my fellow girlbosses  I’m talking to you in particular, I am just as guilty but lets try really hard to switch off before bed and take time to relax our brains before sleep. 

Another little task  this week, is to book in a pamper treat! . Either block out some time at home to paint your nails or do a face pack , or if at all possible – book into a salon, have someone else pamper you, maybe its getting your hair done, even if its just a wash and blow dry or getting your fingers and toes painted or going for a massage or facial.  Its amazing what a boost , a little pamper can do for you.  Don’t see it as a luxury, see it as an important part of your self care regime. Taking the  time out  just to switch off entirely .  

Do let me know how you get on  – tag me on Instagram @littlemisfitjojo  #FeelgoodFebruary  or Facebook lilmisfit1.   

Joanne xoxo 


February Self ❤️- Day 14- Tea time Tuesday!

Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!! 

Today take time to enjoy a cup of tea in peace . Put your phone on silent and enjoy a cup of tea with a friend or on your own whilst not being distracted. Just take the time to slow down and savour just being present in  the moment . Also pamper yourself a little – paint your nails, spend time doing your hair and/or makeup. Even if you just work from home and not going anywhere- do it for you!

Joanne xoxo 

February Self ❤️- Day 13- Move it Monday


Are te we all ready for this brand new sparkling week?. 

So today, make it a point to move – wrap up warm and go for a walk in the fresh air , even if it’s just around the block.  

Take a class or YouTube has lots of different works out – I even have a few on there Little Mis-Fit. 

Put on some of your favourite songs and dance.

just do something that raises your heart rate and releases some endorphins 

joanne xoxo 


February Self Love ❤️- Day 12 – Slow down Sunday.

Hello my lovely Mis-Fitters

Slow Down Sunday!. So I’m a Yoga girl , it helps me take care of my mind, body and soul. It’s only when all three of these are balanced that we reach optimum health. Today once more prep ahead for the week ahead, make a list of things you need to do and your meal plan for week, but also take 10 minutes to try this yoga pose. Legs up the wall pose. It is a great stress reliever and can help with insomnia. It helps your heart rate slow down , and it helps the body not have to work so hard to pump the blood around the body. If you have ever done one of mine and Marie’s wellness workshops , you know we almost always finish with this pose for our final meditation.
So grab a yoga block or pillow, and go sit in front of a wall or a closed door in your home and stretch your legs up the wall/door. Close your eyes and just breath in and out, feeling the body start to get heavy into the floor . Try not to hold on to any particular thought. You could mayput a relaxing play
ist on as you lie there and just listen to it without being distracted by anything else.

Do let me know how you get on – tag me on Instagram @littlemisfitjojo #FeelgoodFebruary or Facebook lilmisfit1.

Joanne xoxo

February Self ❤️- Day 11 – joyful Saturday

 Image Heather Rosehill 

Happy Saturday! ,

Today find the joy in the simple pleasures- maybe a walk in the fresh air, hanging out with your favourite people, curling up with a good book and a huge cup of tea , maybe even some chocolate 🍫 – it is Saturday 😉. Maybe a little dance to your favourite song in the living room – 

What ever makes your soul smile. 


Joanne xoxo 

February Self ❤️- Day 10 – Friend Friday!


Hello my lovely Mis-Fitters

Today plan a date with a friend to catch up properly , not just over social media. But actually pick up the phone or arrange a catch up in person. get your diary out and getting planning a fun friend date! .

Do let me know how you get on – tag me on Instagram @littlemisfitjojo #FeelgoodFebruary or Facebook lilmisfit1.

Joanne xoxo

February Self Love – Day 8 – Wellness Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! 

A week into February already! , How are you all feeling?. Are you managing to get some YOU time into your day?. 

So Todays mission is to buy yourself some lovely flowers. I love tulips , so this time of year I always treat myself to some . They are so cheap aswell –  you can get a lovely bunch from Tesco for only £2.50. So don’t wait for someone to treat you to flowers this week – go buy yourself some :-). don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @littlemisfitjojo with your purchase!.

also as its a new week , I have a new challenge this week for you. As well as keeping up your first week challenge of finding at least 30 minutes of you time in to your day, This week have a declutter  – get rid of anything that does not fill you with joy and or makes you smile.  Go through your wardrobe , just keeping the clothes that you Love! , anything you have fell out of love with or don’t fit right, or just don’t make you feel fabulous – Donate or throw out .  Declutter electronic mail and paperwork. go through your makeup and beauty products and again get rid of anything you no longer use or just doesn’t work for  you. 

 Image Pinterest 

Have a great week Guys

Joanne xoxox


February Self ❤️ Day 7 – Nutrition Tuesday

So guys this week Try out a new healthy recipe.

A couple weeks ago, I tried out the Body Coach Sweet Potato cottage pie. It was scrummy so have made it again this week. 

Eating healthy does not mean just salads, especially in winter, we want lovely warming foods. Aiming to eat as whole foods as possible. 

if it flew in the sky, grew in the ground, runs across land or swims in the sea, then then it’s a pretty good bet, it’s the healthiest option 😄. 

The Body Coach and Clean Eating Alice are brilliant to follow on Instagram as they both post tons of healthy meal ideas that are super simple and quick to make. 


Do do let me know how you get on and tag me in your food creations this week on Instagram- @littlemisfitjojo.


have a great day

joanne xoxo

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