so I thought I would introduce myself and give you a little insight into the world of little Mis-Fit. I’m Joanne and back in 2010, having gained my fitness instructor qualification, I set up a community Fitness business, called Little Mis-Fit. It was during my training, that I first started to think about teaching classes out in the community. I wanted to run classes that were friendly, welcoming and had a real community spirit.
I look back at the past 8 years and can’t believe how far I’ve come and how much bigger the business has grown and the path I found myself on. After leaving school,I had gotten a YTS ( youth training scheme ) or as more commonly known these days an apprenticeship, as a trainee travel agent. I knew from the beginning though, that despite quite enjoying the job – (the travel perks were definitely a plus!) , it was not the job I was meant to do. I just felt like something was missing. I did move around a lot job wise , always in travel apart from a (very) brief stint in a bank – the less said about that though the better!, I actually cried the first day it was awful! I hated it.
A few more years went by and I always toyed with doing my fitness instructor qualification but the courses were often in London and really expensive. In 2009, I was working in business travel , the job was ok ( ha am actually still there, albeit part time) and I had joined a new gym. One of the instructors there ran a training facility for fitness instructors, and it was based in Sunderland, so nice and local. I decided to go for it and signed up to do my Exercise to music course . For 10 weeks , I worked 5 days a week. Then college 1 day and then squeezed in homework and choreography practice for the course in between. Plus juggling housework etc.
As soon as I started teaching , I knew I had found it ! The thing that had been missing from my work life so far. I loved I could help,people and seeing my clients getting fitter and stronger and achieving goals they never thought possible. I love not being stuck behind a desk all day , being able to get out and about , I genuinely absolutely love what I do.
As time went on , I went on to do other fitness courses. There is always something to learn. It’s so easy as an instructor to want to teach all different classes and try and appeal to everyone , but of course you can’t. For one thing those courses can be really expensive! . One of my mentors once said – you can chose to be a jack of all trades, master of none, or you can chose the things that truly speak to you , and concentrate on those!. The first few years, I did try different things, trying to find my own path. As I’ ve often find in life though, your path usually has a way of finding you!.
Pilates, pre/post natal , HIIT classes, small group training and kids fitness have become the mainstay of my business. These are classes I love to teach and my clients love .
A few years ago I had completed my kids fitness qualification and a few months later spotted a course that would qualify me to teach Yoga to children, so I signed up, thinking what a great idea , to teach Yoga to the little ones , but I wasn’t sure how popular it would be. It would take me a couple years of learning what worked and what didn’t, finding my feet with it really . Learning how to handle a class full of kids ( tips are still appreciated 😂) but the past couple years, the Kids yoga side of the business has really taken off, though am definitely still learning – for example when doing crafts, always carry sellotape – check out my Instagram post from when we attempted Tiaras! !
. I teach in schools and nurseries. I also teach a community after school yoga class , a couple times a week at Believe and Be – a Role play centre for little ones , based in Consett County Durham.
We also offer Baby Yoga and Pilates for mums and Tots. . I am also in the midst of doing my Yoga for Toddlers.
So the kids fitness side truly was a a case of Serendipity! ( one of my favourite movies by the way!)

Another popular programme is our small group training programmes. Based over a 6 week period, We have a small group pilates programme, and a small group programme, which focuses on getting fit , strong and toned. Both of these are based on a maximum of 6 per group, creating a smaller class environment.
In general our classes are pretty small, and we do have that whole Cheers Vibe going on, where everyone gets to know each other and friendships are made.
I am a Pre/post natal specialist instructor and have my Orthopaedic pilates qualification also and can offer 1-1 sessions for these.
When I first started teaching fitness classes, I still worked 5 days a week at my travel job, and taught 2-3 classes a week. . A year later, I dropped down to 3 days and juggled teaching classes alongside working 3 days at the 9-5, plus studying to further increase my knowledge. Plus there is all the planning to do , to prep for classes. When you run a small business, you wear so many different hats. All my fellow small business owners, you know it ! – accounting, admin tansks, marketing, cleaner – there was so much to learn. , not just in fitness but in running a business! I think that would be a whole blog post in its own. In December 2017, I dropped another day at my travel job and am now down to just 2 days, however . the mission is on to take Mis-Fit full time 🙏. It is just taking that final leap, though at the same time when you have a mortgage and bills etc, it’s a little easier said then done, but I have absolute faith, I’ll get there. I look at how much my little dream has grown over the past 8 years and I am so proud and truly grateful .
We may not have a huge range of classes, we’re just trying to be really good at the the ones we do teach 😄. So we keep reading and researching and teaching because I truly love what I do and so so grateful to my family and all my clients who have helped me create the Mis-Fit community it is today! . From the bottom of my heart , Thank You!!!!
Joanne .🙏💕